This is AI. This is what we do.

The Center for Applied AI (C4AI) was formed to help organizations and individuals meet the challenge of applying artificial intelligence (AI) and related exponential technologies to complex, real world problems and use cases.C4AI believes that AI will be the most transformative technology in human history, and as a result there are many complex issues to address: mission and business opportunities and impacts, governance, ethics, security, privacy and public policy.


Applied AI Lab

Applied AI/ML research and use case testing; AI/ML managed services for clients and partners

AI Strategy Sessions

Expert-guided AI strategy sessions tailored to drive innovation and growth

Consulting Services

Strategic consulting solutions tailored to your unique needs

AI Bootcamps

Immersive bootcamps designed to empower you with practical skills


Federal Government-Focused Courses
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Government
AI and Public Engagement: Enhancing Citizen Participation
AI for Accessibility: Designing Inclusive Services
AI for Crisis Management and Disaster Response
AI for HR: Identifying and Attracting AI Talent in Government
AI for Policy Development and Decision Making
AI for Social Good: Leveraging Technology for Positive Impact
Bias and Fairness in Government AI
The Future of Work and AI in Government
AI Talent Retention and Growth in Government
Building AI Skills for the Non-Technical Government Workforce
Data Science Fundamentals for AI in Public Service
Machine Learning for Government Applications
Collaborating with the Private Sector on AI Innovations
Communicating AI to the Public: Building Trust and Understanding
Natural Language Processing for Citizen Engagement
Executive Leadership in AI for Government
Modern CIO

For detailed information about all of C4AI’s Courses and Services complete the form below:

hbspt.forms.create({ region: "na1", portalId: "555610", formId: "36adfb2f-3b7e-4473-8073-c0ccaf689ff4" });


Dive into the future of AI with our upcoming events! Join industry leaders and experts as they unveil the latest breakthroughs and innovations. Connect, learn, and be inspired. Don’t miss out!

July 29-30
Boosting Developer Productivity with AILive OnlineCourse
July 29
Introduction to GitHub CopilotLive OnlineCourse
August 8
12-1PM EST
Rethinking our relationship with Writing in the AI-eraLive OnlineLunch & Learn
August 12-13
AI Security, Compliance, and ExplainabilityLive OnlineCourse
August 12-16
Generative AI EngineeringLive OnlineCourse
August 19
AI for LeadersLive OnlineCourse
August 27
Foundations of Modern AILive OnlineCourse
September 10
Introduction to TERRAIN AI FrameworkLive OnlineCourse

Become a part of our growing network of learners committed to enhancing work effectiveness through the optimal deployment of AI.

Follow the Center for Applied AI on LinkedIn for the latest insights, groundbreaking research, and industry trends in artificial intelligence.



"The AI Guys" at the Center for Applied AI at UMBC Training Centers delve into the power of AI technology in this introductory episode.

Stay In The Loop




12-1pm (EST)
Live Online


The TERRAIN AI Framework

AI is everywhere. Everyone is talking about it. The question is: how do I infuse it into my existing Product Portfolio? How do I build AI-native products?If the possibilities around AI intrigue you, join us for an exciting session that will introduce you to the TERRAIN AI framework. We will review best practices for managing the Product lifecycle end-to-end in the AI age and show how you can make your current products 10x better!Speaker: Andy Desai




12-1pm (EST)
Live Online


Supercharging Your Workflow with Collaborative AI

Generative AI is revolutionizing how we work, but are you harnessing its full potential? Join us for an eye-opening session focused on collaborative Generative AI. BoodleBox's Co-founder, Shawn Olds, will introduce you to several new and innovative ways of integrating GenAI into your daily workflow.
In this engaging Lunch and Learn, you will discover:
1. Techniques for leveraging your existing knowledge to enhance AI outputs2. The power behind Bot Stacking and GroupChating for seamless human-AI collaboration3. Practical strategies for integrating GenAI into both individual and team workflowWhether you are a student, faculty member, or business professional, this session will equip you with the tools and techniques necessary to transform your work processes, spark innovation, and achieve 10x better results.Speaker: Shawn Olds




12-1pm (EST)
Live Online


Taming AI: Managing Unexpected Model Behavior

Join us as we dive deep into AI model drift, where unexpected behavior is guaranteed. Inspired by the ranger service’s prevention and preparedness mentality, we will discuss the challenges of maintaining robust AI systems. Learn to scrutinize models effectively, preventing them from spiraling out of control and enhancing their long-term success.Speaker: Shane Emmons




12-1pm (EST)
Live Online


Rethinking our relationship with Writing in the AI-era

Our relationship with writing was irrevocably changed in November ‘22 with the release of ChatGPT. This seismic shift has been touted as the “death of the college essay,” a clarion call to change all assessments, distrust all writing for the classroom, and revert to centuries-old assessment methods (vivas, bluebooks, etc.). Long-time practitioners in online education recognized this shift coming–not from Generative AI, but from contract cheating and essay mills–in this session, I'll want to share a rosier view of the future of writing and our relationship to it.
Writing (noun) is dead—long live writing (verb).
Speaker: Joseph Thibault




12-1pm (EST)
Live Online


Google Gemini Advanced: Highlighted Features and Integration with Google Apps

Introducing Google latest LLM and Chatbot, Gemini Advanced: During a productive 30-minute lunch break, you’ll experience the power of Google's cutting-edge AI. Discover enhanced text generation, image understanding, and seamless integration with Google Apps including Maps, Gmail, and Drive.Speaker: Liam Echlin




12-1pm (EST)
Live Online


Generative AI and Writing Software Code

AI is software. So why not turn around and use AI to write more software? Liam Echlin will provide a survey of some of the top Code AI tools along with a live demo as to how AI can be leveraged into writing computer code faster and more accurately.Speaker: Liam Echlin




12-1pm (EST)
Live Online


Ethics & AI

How do we ensure the ethical/moral development and use of artificial intelligence? And whose ethics and morality do we use to guide us? Join Ed Melick, Business Development Director at the Center for Applied AI and a Contributing Fellow at AI and Faith, as he looks at some of the most serious challenges posed by AI including misinformation/disinformation, harmful biases, and AI and warfare.Speaker: Ed Melick



The Center for Applied AI offers AI consulting services in the following areas:

  • Prompt Engineering

  • Business Process and Use Case Opportunity Analysis

  • Utilization of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-4, Llama2, Gemini Ultra, and others

  • Utilization of AI Assistants such as Microsoft Copilot, OpenAI ChatGPT, Google Gemini Advanced, and other tools

  • Text, Image, Video and Audio Analysis, Intelligence and Generation

  • Open Source Language Models and Direct Preference Optimization (DPO)

  • AI Governance, Management, Security, Privacy and Ethics

  • Management Strategies and KPI Development focused on AI

  • AI-driven Software, Model and App Development

The Center is currently recruiting AI and Machine Learning Consultants to work on either a part time or full-time basis. Contact Us for more information about becoming a Center Consultant.

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The Center for Applied AI, in partnership with the Center for Leadership and Innovation (CLI), plans, designs and facilitates AI Strategy Sessions and Events which can enable systems to explore the potential impact of AI on organizational strategy and performance or conduct deep dive explorations of specific use cases representing high impact opportunities for organizational performance.Sessions are typically either half day or full day, with many organizations choosing to run weekly or monthly micro-retreat type sessions to accelerate their AI strategies over time.Strategy sessions can include anywhere from 10 to upwards of 150+ participants at any organizational level or role: executives, managers, analysts, or developers.To inquire about running an AI Strategy Session for your Organization, complete the form below.

hbspt.forms.create({ region: "na1", portalId: "555610", formId: "7b8441b0-9b90-4f20-8744-14ebf67ccd28" });


The Center for Applied AI conducts three-to-five-day immersive bootcamps with teams from corporations or government organizations. The goal of the bootcamp is to conclude with a tangible result offering high organizational impact: a business case with supporting analysis; a deployment strategy; an AI reengineered business process; a ready to deploy model, tool, or workflow.For more information on our AI Bootcamps, complete the form below.

hbspt.forms.create({ region: "na1", portalId: "555610", formId: "591d2b8a-aa54-4d9b-bcdb-9b88a96fdb7c" });


C4AI's Applied AI Lab proactively conducts applied research, explores AI use cases and challenges with AI adoption, evaluates best practices, and tests leading and emerging technology platforms and lifecycle/policy frameworks across the AI / Machine Learning (AI/ML) landscape.The Applied AI Lab is led by experienced AI Engineers, Product Managers, Research Faculty, Senior Research Scientists from industry and government, Technology Partners such as NVIDIA and Microsoft, and AI/ML graduate students from UMBC & other top research universities.The Lab is available to UMBC Training Centers' clients and partners to participate in active collaboration, or to support and accelerate projects focused on testing and deploying AI/ML use cases, solutions and workflows.Services offered by the Applied AI Lab include:• Consulting (on site or remote)
• Project-based, objective-driven AI/ML development and testing
• Managed AI/ML Services (i.e. provisioned monthly access to Lab staff & resources)
• Collaboration on research and evaluating AI tools and services
• Customized AI/ML Training (synchronous and asynchronous)